Libreoffice Blog

Setup LO SDK after building LO from source

Go to $LOROOT/instdir/sdk and run :

$ ./setsdkenv_unix

hit enter for all questions, letting it use the defaults except for "Automatic deployment of UNO components (YES/NO) [YES]: " type NO.

This will show something like the following after it finishes.

 * ... your SDK environment has been prepared.
 * For each time you want to use this configured SDK environment, you
 * have to run the "setsdkenv_unix" script file!
 * Alternatively can you source one of the scripts
 *   "/home/dennis/libreoffice5.3_sdk/dennis-work/"
 * to get an environment without starting a new shell.

 * SDK environment is prepared for Linux
 * SDK = /ssd1/work/dennis/core/instdir/sdk
 * Office = /ssd1/work/dennis/core/instdir/sdk/..
 * Make = /usr/bin
 * Zip = /usr/bin
 * cat = /usr/bin
 * sed = /usr/bin
 * C++ Compiler = /usr/bin
 * Java = /usr
 * SDK Output directory = /home/dennis/libreoffice5.3_sdk
 * Auto deployment = NO

As the first section says, you need to run following in the shell before trying to build our own extensions/UNO standalone programs.

$ source /home/dennis/libreoffice5.3_sdk/dennis-work/

NOTE : You can also add the above line to ~/.bashrc so that this line is run automatically every time you start terminal.