Libreoffice Blog

Libreoffice extension development with C++ - Part 2 - Working with a Spreadsheet document

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In this part we extend the program developed in Part 1 code to manipulate the spreadsheet further.

  1. we use ::cppu::bootstrap() to get the remote office context of a running office instance

    Reference< XComponentContext > xContext( ::cppu::bootstrap() );
  2. Obtain the service manager from the component context

    Reference< XMultiComponentFactory > xServiceManager = xContext->getServiceManager();
  3. Create Desktop service

    Reference< XInterface > xDesktop = xServiceManager->createInstanceWithContext( OUString(""), xContext );
  4. Get XDesktop2 interface from XInterface reference we got in previous step

    Reference< XDesktop2 > xDesktop2( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
  5. Load a blank spreadsheet document using XDesktop2 interface

    Reference< XComponent > xComponent = xDesktop2->loadComponentFromURL( OUString( "private:factory/scalc" ), // URL to the ods file                                                                          
                                                                          OUString( "_blank" ), 0,
                                                                          Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >() );

    Note that the last parameter can be used to describe the properties of the document, and can use the property names in MediaDescriptor See below for details on Sequence and PropertyValue types.

  6. In fact the xComponent object we got supports XSpreadsheetDocument interface, but we need to explicitly convert by letting the compiler know by :

    Reference< XSpreadsheetDocument > xSpreadsheetDocument(xComponent, UNO_QUERY);
  7. Get the "collection of spreadsheets" interface XSpreadsheets :

    Reference< XSpreadsheets > xSpreadsheets = xSpreadsheetDocument->getSheets();
  8. Create a new sheet named MySheet

    xSpreadsheets->insertNewByName( OUString("MySheet"), (short)0 );
  9. See what is the type of each element in the collection XSpreadsheets

    Type aElemType = xSpreadsheets->getElementType();
    fprintf( stdout, "\n>>> xSpreadsheets container has elements each of type = %s\n",                                                                                                                         
             OUStringToOString( aElemType.getTypeName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() );

    This should print the type as ""

  10. Get the object corresponding to the sheet named "MySheet" and query its XSpreadsheet interface

    Any aSheet = xSpreadsheets->getByName( OUString("MySheet") );
    Reference< XSpreadsheet > xSpreadsheet( aSheet, UNO_QUERY );
  11. Get cells A1, A2, A3 each by using getCellByPosition method of XCellRange interface inherited XSpreadsheet

    Set cell A1 to 105 and A2 to 501 and insert a formula to A3 =SUM(A1:A2)

    Reference< XCell > xCell = xSpreadsheet->getCellByPosition(0, 0);
    xCell = xSpreadsheet->getCellByPosition(0, 1);
    xCell = xSpreadsheet->getCellByPosition(0, 2);
  12. Get XPropertySet interface of xCell object which is really a Cell service object

    Reference< XPropertySet > xCellProps( xCell, UNO_QUERY );
  13. Set the property "CellStyle" of A3 cell to the value "Result" and the property "VertJustify" to the enum CellVertJustify2::TOP

    xCellProps->setPropertyValue( OUString("CellStyle"), makeAny( OUString("Result") ) );
    xCellProps->setPropertyValue( OUString("VertJustify"), makeAny( CellVertJustify2::TOP ) );

    Note that makeAny() function converts any type passed to it to Any type.

  14. Get XModel interface from the spreadsheet component object we got in step 5) then get XController interface object using XModel's getCurrentController() method and query XSpreadsheetView from XController object. Using the XSpreadsheetView set the "MySheet" tab to be the active one.

    Reference< XModel > xSpreadsheetModel( xComponent, UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XController > xSpreadsheetController = xSpreadsheetModel->getCurrentController();
    Reference< XSpreadsheetView > xSpreadsheetView( xSpreadsheetController, UNO_QUERY );
    xSpreadsheetView->setActiveSheet( xSpreadsheet );
  15. Get XCellRangesQuery supporting object from the "MySheet" object. Get the cell ranges where there are formulas in the new sheet (we know that there is only one cell where there are formulas) Then get the collection of formula cells in the obtained range using XEnumerationAccess and XEnumeration interfaces.

    Reference< XCellRangesQuery > xCellQuery( aSheet, UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XSheetCellRanges > xFormulaCells = xCellQuery->queryContentCells( (short)CellFlags::FORMULA );
    Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xFormulasEnumAccess = xFormulaCells->getCells();
    Reference< XEnumeration > xFormulaEnum = xFormulasEnumAccess->createEnumeration();
  16. Loop over the enumerated collection of formula cells by using XEnumeration interface's hasMoreElements() and nextElement() methods Check for the signature of hasMoreElements() and nextElement() methods as an exercise.

    while ( xFormulaEnum->hasMoreElements() )
        Any aNextElement = xFormulaEnum->nextElement();
        xCell = Reference< XCell >( aNextElement, UNO_QUERY );
        Reference< XCellAddressable > xCellAddress( xCell, UNO_QUERY );
        fprintf( stdout, ">>> Formula cell in column = %d, row = %d, with formula = %s\n",
                 OUStringToOString( xCell->getFormula(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() );
        fflush( stdout );


The relation between UNO types like any, string, short etc to the corresponding C++ types can be seen at CommonTypes

Refer UNO Data Types for a full coverage on the UNO data types. Some of them are explained here.

Struct type : These are similar to C++ struct where there are only public member variables only. Example


IDL source file : PropertyValue.idl

    module com {  module sun {  module star {  module beans {
    published struct PropertyValue
        string Name;

        long Handle;

       any Value;

       com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState State;


   }; }; }; };

Note : Structs should not be contructed using service manager.

Instantiating of a struct in C++ can be done as usual using either static allocation/dynamic allocation using new keyword

Example :

   ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue aProp;
   aProp.Name = OUString( "Readonly" );
   aProp.Value = makeAny( ( sal_Bool )true );

Struct may also inherit from other structs.

Polymorphic struct : This is a struct with one or more type parameters and the members of this struct can have these parameters as types.

Example of polymorphic struct :

// A polymorphic struct type template with two type parameters:
struct Poly<T,U> {
      T member1;
      T member2;
      U member3;
      long member4;

Example showing the usage of polymorphic struct :

// Using an instantiation of Poly as a UNO type:
interface XIfc { Poly<boolean, any> fn(); };

Any type : This type can hold on to one of the C++ types that are convertible to UNO types. To set an Any type variable, use <<= operator To get from an Any type variable use >>= operator

Example :

    sal_Int32 cellColor;
    Any any;
    any = rCellProps->getPropertyValue(OUString::createFromAscii( "CharColor" ));
    // extract the value from any
    any >>= cellColor;

Sequence type : This corresponds to "sequence" UNO type. This represents a homogenous collection of values of one UNO type with variable number of elements. For remote access this interfaces that take or return "sequence" type is important for performance.

Example a) Empty sequence of PropertyValue struct :

   Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > loadProps;

Example b) Non empty sequence of PropertyValue structs :

   Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > loadProps( 1 );
   // the structs are default constructed
   loadProps[0].Name = OUString::createFromAscii( "ReadOnly" );
   loadProps[0].Value <<= true;

   Reference< XComponent > rComponent = rComponentLoader->loadComponentFromURL(

Element Access

Element access is the way to access a object from a collection of objects. The most important element access interfaces are :

  • com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer
  • com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer
  • com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration

All these three inherit from XElementAccess interface and it has two methods :

type getElementType()
boolean hasElements()

getElementType() returns the type of elements of the container as a com::sun::star::uno::Type object. If container is heterogenous it returns void type.

hasElements() tells whether the set contains any element at all.

  1. Name access

    The basic interface inherited by com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer is com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess which has the following three methods

    any getByName( [in] string name)
    sequence< string > getElementNames()
    boolean hasByName( [in] string name)
  2. Index access

    The basic interface inherited by com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer is com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess It has two methods :

    any getByIndex( [in] long index)
    long getCount()

    Example : com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheets supports both Index access and Named access

  3. Enumeration access

    The interface com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess creates enumerations that allow traveling across a set of objects. It has one method:

    com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration createEnumeration()

    The returned XEnumeration object supports two methods :

    boolean hasMoreElements()
    any nextElement()

    We used the above methods in getting all formula cells in the C++ program developed above.

    In the program we used XCellRangesQuery interface to get cell ranges object corresponding to cells having formulas. XCellRangesQuery interface defines the method :

    XSheetCellRanges queryContentCells(short cellFlags)

    The returned XSheetCellRanges object has the following methods :

    XEnumerationAccess getCells()
    String getRangeAddressesAsString()
    sequence< > getRangeAddresses()

    We used getCells() to get hold of XEnumerationAccess object to iterate through the cells with formula.

Download, build and run the program

The complete C++ program can be compiled and run using :

$ git clone
$ cd ManipulateSpreadsheet
$ make
$ make

After running make you should see the following strings in the terminal

remote ServiceManager is available.
opened spreadsheet document...
>>> xSpreadsheets container has elements each of type =
>>> Formula cell in column = 0, row = 2, with formula = =SUM(A1:A2)

In addition you should see in Calc a sheet named "MySheet" with the following contents :

  • Cell A1 has a number 105
  • Cell A2 has a number 501
  • Cell A3 has a formula = SUM(A1:A2) and has value = 606.

Troubleshooting :

If you see a crash and stack trace after running make like

Application Error

Fatal exception: Signal 6

you need to go to /tmp/ in your machine and see if any named pipes belonging to previous LO instances (could be created by LO runs in Part1) that looks like :


Try removing these files before retrying the build/run instructions.